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"She is Well" Holistic Clinic works exclusively with women to help them overcome depression, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, mood swings, gut health issues, hormonal imbalances, acne, PCOS, low libido, endometriosis, nutritional deficiencies and postpartum related issues.


We take a holistic approach to healthcare, recognising that your condition is more than just the physical symptoms. We lead you to discover what contributes to the cause and will show you how to remove it or at least deal with it more effectively.


Remember, for real healing to last, it requires the causes to be identified and removed.



Many diseases are like puzzles that conventional medical approaches struggle to solve. Our holistic assessment and treatment plan is designed to tackle the complexity of your health challenges head-on.


We take the time to explore your overall state of being. We review your comprehensive history as pre-consultation preparation to determine an overview of your current health, including medical history, gut health, genetics, nutritional status, sleep patterns, emotional health and lifestyle factors. We may also require photos of both your irises. Iris indications can reveal abnormalities within the organs and systems of the body. 


This comprehensive approach has been, without a doubt, the key to successfully identify the cause of the dis-ease.




Your first appointment is the most vital. This is where you get to share your story, struggles and pain. "She is Well" Holistic Clinic creates a kind, compassionate and safe space where you can peel back the layers, remove the mask, let go, and be acknowledged just as you are. This helps to establish trust and safety to create an authentic, effective care plan that achieves lasting results.


Your emotional health is as equally important as your physical concerns. Your body responds to the way you think, feel, and act. When you are stressed, anxious, or upset, your body reacts physically, developing a dis-ease. 


Gentle touch may also be used to conduct a brief body assessment while laying on a massage table to identify tensions and stresses within your body. 


Then, your healing journey begins. You will be shown how to get well by learning to give your body the best conditions you need biologically to heal yourself where possible.



After your first appointment, you will receive your personalised treatment plan that addresses your individual needs on all levels, both now and in the future. 


More than ever, we are bombarded daily with environmental chemicals & toxins. These poisons are the drivers of countless health problems.  Your body can filter toxins, but eventually the ability to detoxify becomes impaired, leading to premature ageing and chronic dis-ease development.


It is often recommended for most women to go through a life transforming, 7 day detoxification program with Nadia.


When your body is detoxified – digestion, assimilation and elimination is improved, allowing it to be finally given the conditions it has needed biologically for years to regulate itself – then all sorts of healing miracles start to happen.

My Approach
Intellignet Supplements & Minerals

Supplements & Minerals  


You will be provided with guidance on intelligent supplementation, mineral therapy and nutritional support to kick start your healing journey


Mineral Therapy is essential for your healing. Most women are mineral deficient. The human body contains 12 vital mineral salts that need to be in balance for the maintenance of good health (cell/tissue). Minerals can’t be created by your body - they can only be obtained from our diet. Restoring your health can be achieved by giving your cells the essential nutrients that may be deficient.


With the correct diagnosis, the cause can be identified and a strategy implemented to remove the problem, then supplements are not needed over a long period of time, except in rare cases of deficiencies. It is important to understand that supplements should never replace a  healthy balanced diet. 



“Let your food be your medicine and let your medicine be your food”


Knowing how to feed your body correctly is the beginning of health and staying well. The majority of healing happens when you remove dis-ease triggers and feed your body predominately an organic, plant-based diet. 


Don't worry, you won’t be given an extreme cold-turkey approach to your diet and lifestyle changes. Often, this causes people to give up sooner or not stay with it in the long run. Instead, you will be guided through bite-sized actionable steps to slowly acclimatise you to these changes. It takes the scary and overwhelming out of it.


"She is Well" is not just about diet and supplements though...


Personal Supprt



"She is Well" practises empowering and effective methods of healthcare that put you in control of your wellness journey.


Heavy emphasis is placed on supporting your emotional state of being, helping you to manage the stress responses in the body in healthy & appropriate ways, so you can heal, recover and grow resilience. 


"She is Well" also teaches simple breathing techniques. Your breath is a powerful tool to immediately ease stress, make you feel less anxious, help your body to relax, to release blocks and shed layers of trauma, so you can live freely again.

Therapeutic Treatments



Therapeutic body treatments are also provided to relieve pain, reduce tension, improve tissue elasticity and increase blood flow to stimulate healing. A therapeutic massage treatment also helps to raise the positive hormone levels of endorphins, serotonin and dopamine. These hormones give a sense of well-being, improve mental health, increase relaxation and reduce stress. 


You only need to dedicate yourself to a journey to reclaim your health.


Are you ready?


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