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Nadia Varcoe

Biological Naturopathic Practitioner and Holistic Health Coach.

Member of the International Institute for Complimentary Therapies.

Specialising in:

  • Women's Health

  • Preventative Nutrition

  • Intelligent Supplementation & Mineral Therapy

  • Therapeutic/Remedial Body Treatments

  • Body and Mind Detoxification

  • Breathing Techniques

  • Self Care Practices

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'I love helping Women...'

My mission is to help women of all ages to get their health, vitality & joy back, by shifting from disease management to genuine natural healthcare, education, prevention and wellness enhancement.


I love helping women. Every woman is beautiful and unique.


I have been passionate about human health, science and healing since I was a little girl. It took me a decade of studies and intense life experience to finally step into my dream and launch this holistic clinic.


In my practice, I focus on restoring the body’s divine pattern of health. I believe that we are wonder-ful beings that live in a physical body, seeking alignment with our mind and soul, under the government of our eternal spirits. To be truly well, learning to take care of all aspects of our being is essential.


Life is not easy, the struggle is real.
I understand how hard it can get sometimes. 

Let me share with you some of my personal story.


I am a woman who has navigated my own health stuff. I have moved countries twice, dealt with cultural shock, learnt a new language, integrated into a new society. I had to start life from scratch, which was not easy.  I have faced many financial challenges. 


I did not realise that the heartache that came with separating from my family and friends would be so real and painful, especially when I started having my own children... Both of my pregnancies were very complicated and life-threatening. I had a multitude of medical appointments ending with hopelessness. However, my faith pulled me through. I can confidently say that, miraculously, my kids and myself are alive today.


So, to say that my life was stressful is an understatement.

No wonder my body started to crumble…

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Postpartum Depression

After my second child was born, I hit an overwhelming wave of postnatal depression, anxiety and panic attacks. The hormonal journey after having a baby is the most profound and intense hormonal roller-coaster a woman can go through.


I felt lost, lonely and misunderstood. I had very minimal support. I could not concentrate, constantly had  brain fog, my mood swings were scary, my skin was breaking out, my stomach was always bloated, and I often had diarrhoea. I have been told: “You are a mother, you are supposed to be tired,” but I knew there was something deeper going on… Now I know: I was suffering from postpartum depletion.


I was prescribed antidepressants, and when they stopped working, I was only given one option - to double my dosage. At that point I understood that something drastically had to change. I needed to regain my health and sanity to raise my young family.

So, I started to look for holistic therapies.


Within the first few weeks after seeing a naturopath and working with my health naturally, my body started to change.


Within 6 months, I restored my energy levels and started to think clearly. My moods became stable, and my mind calm. I healed my digestive issues – no more pain or bloating. My skin became clear. I started to sleep deeply and wake up rested & happy.


And with the help of my lovely GP, I could slowly taper off my medication.


Wow! I was amazed at how our bodies are designed to heal themselves under the right conditions!

I have been through the darkness and I have discovered secret treasures to share with you.

Experiencing my life being completely transformed, my heart lit up. I knew I had to share the natural health and wellness keys that impacted my life with other suffering women so they can enjoy life to the fullest, free from pain and dis-ease.


I quickly discovered my joy and passion coming alive as I completed my Biological Naturopathic and Therapeutic / Remedial Studies. I've been on a journey ever since constantly expanding my knowledge and experience, with real-world, evidence-based treatments, education and training. This has enabled me to step into my dream to help set other women free through creating "She is Well" Holistic Clinic.


I do not say I have all the answers; no one does. However, I am confidant that with my training and life experience, I can guide you through your unique transformation journey to restore and rejuvenate your body as much as it is humanly possible.


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